Fancy Image of Me

Rian-Pascal Bergen

Psalm 111:1-10

Partial Lunar Eclipse, Taken 20211118-20211119

20211118-20211119 Lunar Eclipse

Full Size Image (PNG 560 KB)

Timelapse (GIF 15.3 MB)

This is the first Lunar Eclipse that I've actually watched in person. From 0707UTC to 1038UTC (02:07EST to 05:38EST). It was a long, yet fulfilling night. I decided to process the image and timelapse to fit what I saw in person. Most photographers will usually go for a more vibrant image.

This is a timelapse of all of the shots I managed to take of the Partial Lunar Eclipse.


Telescope/Lens: Meade 70 mm Series 6000 Astrograph Quadruplet APO Refractor

Imaging Camera: ZWO ASI1600MM-PRO

Guiding Scope: N/A

Guiding Camera: N/A

Mounts: Sky-Watcher EQ6R-Pro

Filters: Chroma 2" LRGB, Chroma 2" H-Alpha (3nm), Chroma 2" OIII (3nm)

Accessories: ZWO EFW 7x2", Pegasus Astro Pocket Powerbox, Astrozap AstroStrap 70mm Dew Heater

Software: N.I.N.I, FireCapture, AutoStakkert, RegiStax 6, Adobe Photoshop 2021, PIPP

Storage Devices and Computers used are not mentioned here.

Location, Weather, and Acquisition

All data was taken from my Bortel 4 backyard the night of November 18. Location was within a 15-mile radius of Comer, Georgia (USA) (34.0637° N, 83.1254° W). Weather data is no longer available. Due to the sheer amount of acquisition data (1.5TB), this is also no longer available.

Date Temperature Humidity Average Moon Phase
2021-11-18 - 2021-11-19N/AN/AFull Moon (100%)

Processing Steps

This will be somewhat generic due to the sheer number of files generated. These are the general steps taken for all included files.

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